


History of the college- VJIAS

“Vignana Jyothi” was carved and created in the year 1991 by a dedicated group of industrialists, entrepreneurs, and professionals who were willing to give a part of their earnings back to the society for a noble cause and as a part of their social responsibility. They feel that education is the light that wipes away the darkness of an uncertain future among the young minds and therefore decided to impart quality education without any profit motive to make the youth future ready. The society has established several institutions, which include good schools and institutions of public repute in Engineering, Management (Business School), Agriculture and Rural Development. Having ventured into the areas of Technology and Management, they felt that arts and sciences should also be fostered as they form the basis for creative thinking. In the year 2012, Vignana Jyothi, empowered by years of reputation, started a new degree college, “Vignana Jyothi Institute of Arts & Sciences” (VJIAS), at Secunderabad, affiliated to Osmania University, to promote liberal Arts and Sciences.